John Schuch, II, former NGC grader and long time ANA Summer Seminar instructor, will conduct a two-day class at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center in advance of Central States' 80th Anniversary Convention.
Schuch, who joined Northern Nevada Coins as a numismatist this spring, previously worked as an NGC grader for 13 years. He taught grading classes at the Summer Seminar for eight years and has taught classes at coin shows around the country.

"Introduction to Grading," he said, will cover not only how to grade coins, but also how to recognize problem coins including some no-grade pieces, counterfeits and alterations, such as added Mint marks.
Schuch is a member of the Industry Council for Tangible Assets' Anti-Counterfeiting Task Force, serving on the group's education and research work groups.
The class will examine proper lighting, the subtleties of About Uncirculated versus Mint State, the differences between strike and wear and the key attributes commonly considered to constitute positive eye appeal.
Lighting, he said, is crucial. NGC graders, who handle hundreds of coins a day, work in a dark room with an incandescent light focused on the center of each grader's desk. The class will consist of hands-on opportunities to view and grade a multitude of copper, silver and gold coins.
The class will be conducted from noon to 6 p.m. Monday, April 22, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, in the second floor Serenity Room at the Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel and Convention Center, in advance of the Central States convention, which runs April 24-27.
The convention's security room opens at 1 p.m. Monday and will be available to grading students. The class is limited to 15 students, with registration offered on a first-come basis. Registration fee is $150. Checks should be made payable to CSNS and mailed to CSNS President Mitch Ernst, P.O. Box 24559, Omaha, NE 68124.
