Annual YN ANA Summer Seminar Scholarship
CSNS offers member YN's one scholarship each year to the American Numismatic Association's Summer Seminar in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of an individual's numismatic activities.
The YN Scholarship is for students under the age of 18. The Summer Seminar is a week-long series of educational lectures held each year at the ANA headquarters and the Campus of Colorado College.
The award includes tuition, room, and board, as well as coach airfare from the airport nearest the awardee's place of legal residence. The approximate value of the award is $1400.
Applicants should apply by letter and will be judged primarily on the basis of past contributions to organized numismatics. Examples of activities considered to enhance an application include service as a local, regional, or national numismatic officer, publication of numismatically related articles; a history of exhibiting at coin shows and other numismatic exhibitions; as well as service on the staff of local, regional, or national coin shows or numismatic conventions.
Applications should be submitted prior to August 1, for summer school the following year.
For information about Scholarships contact: