PNG Dealer Day is Wednesday, May 1, from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. PNG Dealer Day
in 2024 is for dealers only, and no public will be admitted. PNG is inviting all CSNS
table holders to participate. Dealers do not need to be members of PNG to
purchase a table at PNG Dealer Day. All table holders who participate in PNG day
will occupy the tables assigned to them for the CSNS show, so no table movement
will be needed.
Dealers who want to attend PNG Dealer Day, but not take a table for the day, may
purchase a PNG early bird badge. The badge will allow you in the room for the
day, but you may NOT set your CSNS table during PNG day. PNG early birds who
have tables for the CSNS show may move in and set their tables at 5:00 PM when
PNG Dealer Day officially closes.
If you are an early bird for PNG Dealer Day and do not have a table for the 2024
CSNS show, you may stay in the exhibit hall after 5:00 PM when CSNS dealer
setup begins. You may participate as an early bird until setup closes at 7:00 PM.
Direct all questions about the Central States show to Cindy at or 407-221-8737.
Direct all questions about PNG Dealer Day, including table pricing and early bird details,
to Tina at or 951-587-8300.